Ourganix Limited


The activities of Ourganix supports many of the sustainable development goals such as:

SDG – No poverty

Ourganix seeks to close income disparity gaps existing in the agriculture space in Ghana by making sure that farmers are linked to lucrative and buoyant organic produce market across the globe. This way, farmers are assured of ready market for their produce, get premium price and through these the incidence of poverty existing in many farming communities in Ghana are reduced.

SDG – Zero Hunger

Through the promotion of only organic farming, Ourganix seeks to manage the organic carbon of the soil to sustain its productivity over a longer period. This will ensure that the incidence of soils loosing their fertility which results in low food crop yield over time is curtailed and ensure the longevity of the soil supporting agriculture and ensuring that food crops are produced in abundance to feed humanity.

SDG – Good health and well being

For us at Ourganix, we believe in the old axiom that in healthy eating is good health. Healthy eating can only be ensured when there is abundant supply of good and healthy food crops devoid of mineral chemicals and extensive chemicals. Our business model revolves around providing the best organic food crops at competitive price to our customers worldwide and ensure that not only people in our immediate communities benefit, but also, everyone who patronizes our products around the globe is a potential beneficiary.

SDG – Gender equality

At Ourganix gender equality is at the fore front of our business model. We promote and assist women farmers who are in most cases the bread winners of their families. We believe by supporting women farmers, they are also enabled to support their families most especially their children to be educated and live out their dreams. This is not to say men farmers are neglected, rather as many men who are ready to be part of the sustainable farming model are encouraged and enrolled to be part of the large out-grower scheme we have.

SDG – Sustainable production and consumption

We believe that our business model of promoting organic farming will contribute significantly to the sustainable production of agricultural products while ensuring the soil is not depleted of organic carbon. Further we commit to ensure that sustainable means are used to transport logistics, farm produce and products. Further, Ourganix commits to the business model that promotes sustainable consumption of goods and services within the business space.

SDG – Climate Action

Our business model addresses the core precursors of climate change by making sure that only compost sourced from sustainable sources such as animal manure and solid waste are used in the cultivation of crops. By using compost from organic waste, we also contribute to the sustainable treatment of the organic fraction of municipal solid waste which is one of the leading causes of climate change. Further by using organic compost we limit the production of mineral fertilizer which has a significant carbon footprint. Lastly, our business model ensures the integration of renewable energy in the farm practices as well as the logistics of procuring products and services.